Wednesday 22 April 2009

What Do You Think?

Ok, its just a small blog tonight....

The proper work started on our extension today. Its up to 6ft approx. and looking fab!

I'm really tired and my tummy and groin is absolutely killing me. Its a combination of Braxton-Hicks and strained muscles (flippin' hurts). Nik had just got me a tub of hot water and washed my feet with a raspberry foot scrub. When i've finished my blog he's gonna give them a rub with foot cream (oh i am soooo loved!)

We have been trying to decide on a name for our daughter, what do you think of this....

Emily Scarlett Rose Cooper

Milly for short?

Off to have my pampering session.

1 comment:

Vanda said...

Oooo I like that a lot. It sounds very 'Bronte'.

Your poor groin. It's a horrible ache isn't it. What us women have to go through hey :O)

Love you lots and hope your feet got a proper pampering ~ xXxXx