Sunday 26 April 2009

9 Weeks & 6 Days Left!

I'm now in single figures! Hooray! This is whats happening this week...

Your baby is growing rapidly, but is still half the weight of a full term baby. Your baby is stronger than ever and still has plenty of room to move around. The movements will begin to grow stronger to you and you may even see them ripple across your bump.
At this point your baby's lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature, meaning she'll do much better in the event of premature birth. Researchers also believe your baby can actually see now, in utero, but no one knows exactly how much she can make out.

I made us a salad for tea last night and while Nik was making a cuppa, i tweeked his bread and butter LOL. He turned round and couldn't stop laughing!

Isn't he cute? :O)

Nik said he tasted nice.

Also yesterday, we turned this into...........


Its a lovely 4 berth Hymer caravan built in 2001, we have got to build some frames for the bed and seating area but, we have a new set of cushion seats and new mattresses for the sleeping area so, not too big a job. It will look so beautiful when its done and i'm hoping *crosses fingers* that after 'Emily' is born we might be able to nip off for two week to Wales (Abersoch) in it to give it a good test.

Work on our extension started last week and this is what it looks like so far. It'll make the bathroom much bigger and even 2ft wider so we can have a seperate shower and bath. I will gain a utility room where i can finally keep my washing machine and tumbler dryer (instead of having to go down to the garage to do it all) and the conservatory will be longer too.

We went to a caravan/motor home sales site yesterday for inspiration. The weather was glorious and Max did really well staying dry throughout the trip. Well done Max! Here is a photo of my clever 'big' boy taken in the grounds of the caravan site.

This week is going to be really busy. On top of keeping Max sleeping in his big bed, trying to potty train him and all the usual shopping and housework, I have the midwife doing her home visit on Wednesday to help me do a birth plan PMSL! (as if i don't know what i want by now!) and the Nursery co-ordinator doing a home visit on Friday to assess Max, check his birth certificate and arrange for him to start nursery!! OMG! where has my baby gone? It all seems to be happening at once with Max at the moment. Oh, and by the way, he's still not sold on the idea of having a 'stinky baby' :O).I had him listening to my tummy the other day and when i asked what he could hear he said, 'Nothing, its sleeping, but i'm not sharing my toys with it'. I hope nursery teaches him to share.
Off to see Hells kitchen now, I think i fancy Marco a little bit, don't ask me why though cos even i don't know.
Bye for now ....


Vanda said...

Aww look at Max all grown up. He'll be so different next time we see him won't he. I think he will adore nursery when he gets into the swing of it.

OMG only 9 weeks to go! Where has all that time gone? Are you still having an epidural? I love the name Emily/Milly it's really lovely and goes brilliantly with Max. Was Max & Milly a line of clothes that Asda were doing? Or am I getting confused. Anyway I love it :O)

Wow look at your extention, it will be brilliant won't it. Much easier to have your washing machine etc handy.

LOL at Nik's salad, love it :O)

Love you lots and I'm really pleased you like the photos of Summer Island. We've all got the holiday blues PMSL.

Byeeee ~ love ya tonnes xXxXx

Vanda said...

Oooo only 8 weeks & 6 days left :O)

Hope you're OK honey, I've missed you. Give everyone lots of love from all of us xXx