Sunday 21 December 2008

Delivering Presents

We have been helping Santa out this weekend delivering presents. We finally took the last ones this afternoon to Rebecca & Lloyd. It was great to see all the family again. Grandad was also there when we arrived. Max loved bossing the kids around and they were great with him. He ended up coming home with some more out grown toys. A big stuffed cockerel and a Shrek helmet LOL

Nik took me out for Sunday pub lunch today and it was lovely. I had a roast beef dinner and ate every bit, Nik had a steak and ale pie and that look yummy too. Max was a pain in the bum and hates sitting still. He thought it was like Ikea and was upset that there were no toys to play with, how can you explain why to a 2 year old?

Anyway as promised here is a photo of my Christmas cake. Hope it tastes as good as it looks.

Going to bed now so i can get another sleep out of the way before Santa can come PMSL...Bye xx


Vanda said...

Oooo look at your yummy cake. It looks fantastic & I bet it will taste amazing. I'm so pleased you enjoyed your pub lunch, it sounds as if the worst is over for you now, I really hope so {{{hugs}}}.

Good luck with your scan tomorrow :O) Have you decided if you're going to find out what sex peanut is? Good luck whatever you decide :O)

Andrew's OK, he says he can feel it pulling but he's not sure if it's the stitches or the plaster they put over it that's causing it. He's OK though, he never moans.

Tom Chambers is very good looking isn't he. He got married a couple of weeks ago too. So it's al been happening for him :O)

Only 5 more sleeps until you come down, we can't wait ~ love you millions. Give everyone a hug from me xXx

Elena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vanda said...

Hello sweetie,

I deleted the other post sorry, blogger was signed in under Elena's name instead of mine.

Sorry to hear that you still have a bad back. It's horrible isn't it *big hugs* from me xXx

Did you get the parcel with the lads stuff in it? I hope so :O)

I'm so sorry we won't have time to see you on our flying visit, I really wish we did. We're catching the 4:30pm ferry on Friday & coming home on Sunday but at least it will give Andrew a chance to see his Mum :O)

I've missed your blog but I know you have a lot on your plate at the moment. It doesn't stop me missing you though.

Love you tonnes & tonnes of granny buns xXx