Sunday 1 March 2009

Wallace and Gromit Ice Lollies

I forgot to mention yesterday, that in our lovely parcel from Vanda there were also some Wallace and Gromit ice lolly moulds. We made some apple juice ones straight away but because i put them in the freezer i forgot about them in my blog. So, this morning Max looked in the freezer and look what he found.....

Mmmm..... delicious Gromit ice lollies! Thank you Vanda & Andrew :O)

1 comment:

Vanda said...

OMG I didn't think Max could get any cuter but he has. Ooo I could eat him. Give him a big squidge from me. I'm so pleased he loved the lolly moulds :O)

Lisa says a huge thank you for her birthday card & money xXx

Love you lots xXx