Tuesday 14 October 2008

Baking day

Oooh i have been a busy bee today. I cleaned house, Talked to my lovely Vanda on the phoned and went shopping to Mr. T's. When i got back it was time to get baking. Today i made granny buns, iced victoria sponge, cherry muffins and a big batch of gingerbread men (they sold well last time) The 3 big lads love them as much as Max does. I also made a big pan of beef stew, which was enjoyed by all (except Max and Josh who had Turkey dinosaurs and chips *tuts*).

I had a fabulous treat tonight.......a big bath!!!........it might not seem it to you but i loved it. We have to try and cut back on water as we are metered and run a septic tank so showers are the thing to have at our house. It does tend to get full quickly with the 6 of us. I stayed in it for nearly an hour and came out looking like a prune. Now, i was gonna put a photo of me in the bath on here to represent my interpretation of 'dip' but i didn't want anyone who came across my blog to feel that they had to call Greenpeace!!! ROFLMAO

Got to have an early night tonight as we are off to Blackpool on a car recovery tomorrow and are setting off at a disgusting hour!!! Will take my camera in case a photographic oportunity arises.

1 comment:

Vanda said...

Hello Sweetie,
It's a pain in the bum being metered isn't it. I would have liked seeing a toe in the bath lol. Did you have lots of bubbles or is that not allowed when you have a septic tank?

Have a safe journey tomorrow & take lots of photos :O) Love you lots xXx