Sunday 23 November 2008

Expecting The Unexpected :O)

We've had a really lovely day today.

We got up early and took ourselves off to Ikea for breakfast Mmmm scrummy yummy! We had the full monty with a round of toast and 2 cups of coffee. What a way to start a cold day :O)

Then off we went around the store for a peek. We bought a new rug for the living room (Nik had burnt the old one when making the fire *tuts*) a tin of ginger & cinnamon biscuits and a weasel LOL

Then off we toddled to Decathalon, I did hum and ah over a pair of brown boots that would have looked fab under my jeans for the winter but at £40 they weren't cheap. Eventually i decided i'd rather have a pair of trainers that i can wear all year round, but didn't buy any cos there were none i liked.

Lastly we called in at Next to get Nik a hat for the winter. OMG I never thought buying a man a hat would be so difficult!!! He tried loads on and decided he like none of them. Now, Nik doesn't need the hat for going out, basically its just for working in to keep his noggin warm. After explaining this to him and him whining that hats give him head aches he said he didn't want one arghhhhhhhhhhh! Now i've been listening to him moan all week that he could do with a hat when he's outside cos he's feeling the cold (bless him, he is getting old LOL) so i wasn't having any of it. I made him try them all on again and managed to talk him into a black (good for dirty oily men) ribbed one with a lot of stretch in it. Theres absolutely no way it'll be too tight and its very minimalistic (for God sake its only to flipping work in!!!) so should be ok. Dunno if he'll wear it, he's still deciding PMSL. Then, (now this is the newsy bit) i had a look round the maternity clothing section for a pair of jeans. Yes, the news is I'm pregnant (8 weeks and 5 days) to baby number 5! Check out my pregnancy blog here.......

I managed to pick up two pairs of lovely comfy jeans cos although its early days and i'm not really any fatter, i've been feeling so sick and i can't stand anything tight round my middle cos it makes me feel even worse. So i came out quite happy with my purchases :O)

On the way home we decided to call in at dads and tell him the news and when we got back home we told the boys and my mum and i called my bestest friend in the whole world, Vanda and told her seven would be coming to visit for new year! PMSL (PMSL is really easy now i'm pregnant so i shouldn't joke about it) She was shocked, suprised and then happy LOL thats when it finally sunk in :O)

Tonight we have decided we're gonna try and get Max to sleep in the Thomas bed. I know its gonna be hard cos he is so used to his cot but i think its time and it will be lovely to have our room to ourselves again (well, at least for a few months). So, fingers crossed it will go smoothly.


Vanda said...

Awww bless you, I love you loads you know that :O) I am so pleased for you even though I think you're mad :O) Just wished we lived a bit closer so we could help you out. All I can say is when you come & visit we will pamper you to death he, he. I'm so excited about a new little one, it's gonna be great! Nik, you best look after her otherwise there will be fistycuffs!!! ROFL. Love you as big as the universe MWAH xXxXx

Just off to visit your new blog :O)

lovelylushlisa said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very happy for you and can't wait to see you New Years, awwww your going to have a little bump!! :o) send my love to everyone,
Lisa xxxxxx