Sunday 30 November 2008

A Good Day...At Last!

OMG! I've actually not felt sick much at all today, apart from when i brushed my teeth, which makes me gag from start to finish .....euwww

Nik took me to Ikea for a slap up breakfast, which i totally destroyed! I think he's been a bit worried from my lack of appetite. We had a look round the store but all we bought were a set of underwater creature finger puppets for Max that he said he 'needed' LOL

We also had a look in Decathalon and Next but came out empty handed. I did try on some boots but they were too small and they didn't have a bigger size, so we went home via Mansfield and called in the Next there. Still no luck. So, we went a walk round Mansfield and i found a pair of boots eventually (ones like Hugg boots) in Peacocks for £10. I just wanted something warm and comfy to go with my jeans. I also treated myself to a maternity tshirt too for £5 in the sale.

I'm sat now, watching, Here Comes The Boys. Its brillant and great to see all the men are singing live. What a fab cause too. I hope it encourages more fellas to check themselves, Last week we had the girl version and that was also fantastic. For some reason women don't seem to get as embarrassed as men when finding lumps and telling their doctors. I wonder why that is? Maybe its because after having all our children, we learn to leave our dignity outside the health centre/hospital door and pick it back up on our way home PMSL I was shocked to learn that testicular cancer was most common in the 18-32 year olds. I would have thought it would be older than that.

I think i have most of my Christmas presents sorted now. I just have Glenn, Rebecca, Lloyd and dad left and of course Nik but i know what i'm getting him, i just haven't had chance to buy it yet. We are going for the tree next weekend, and i'm all excited and can't wait. I love decorating the tree :O) Its only then that it really starts to feel like Christmas.

I'm off now to watch IACGMOOH......Bye

1 comment:

Vanda said...

Oh I'm so pleased you're feeling a bit better, long may it last :O) I bet that Ikea breakfast went down a treat didn't it. Max loves his finger puppets doesn't he :O)

Gemma & Lisa have some Ugg boots and love them. Well they're not really Ugg boots but they are similar. They will keep your feet roastie toastie won't they.

Sounds as if you're getting organised for Christmas now. It makes all the difference when you can get on top of things. We're putting up our tree next weekend too so we'll have to think of each other while we are decorating it won't we. Have fun, love ya xXx