Thursday 6 November 2008

Why did i have to say it?

Ok thats the last time i say nothing much has happened!!!!

We had our tea early and Daniel was playing with Max on the floor in his college clothes (carpenter trousers) when Max started to scream 'somethings stuck in me' we all wondered what had happened until Dan remembered he'd left a pencil in his side pocket. This had stuck into the back of max's thigh when he'd sat on Dan's knee and the lead had snapped off in his thigh. I had to pull his trousers off and get the lead out while he was wriggling and screaming. It did all come out easily but then i was worried about poisoning from the lead. So, we phoned up NHS Direct and was told that pencils are all made with graphite now and not lead and it isn't toxic PHEW!
We put Max in a bath to soak his wound (hopefully clean it all out) and then wiped it down with antiseptic wipes. He's asleep now so hopefully he'll be ok in the morning.

I'll never moan nothing happens here again!

1 comment:

Vanda said...

Oh no, poor Max. Hope he's OK. Don't you just hate it when they hurt themselves. I bet Dan feels bad too poor thing. Give them a big hug from me. Has the postman been?

Love you loads, Vanda xXx